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Chữa đề IELTS Writing task 1 ngày 29/05/2021

Hôm nay HA CENTRE gửi đến các bạn bài mẫu IELTS Writing task 1 – đề thi ngày 29/05/2021. Bài mẫu mang tính chất tham khảo, không chấm điểm. Mọi người có thể follow chúng mình trên các kênh Facebook, Instagram để cập nhật thông tin nhanh nhất. 

The percentage of men and women aged 60 - 64 who were employed in 4 countries in 1970 and 2000

Đề IELTS Writing task 1 ngày 29/05/2021

Đề bài: The percentage of men and women aged 60 – 64 who were employed in 4 countries in 1970 and 2000. 

The bar chart provided compares the proportions of male and female employees whose ages ranged from 60 to 64 in four different countries over 30 years.

Overall, more males were employed than females in the given age range. The year 2010 witnessed declines in the number of both men and women employed in all four countries, with Belgian and American females being the worst hit.

In 1970, America was the country that had the highest employment rate of citizens aged 60-64, approximately 86% for males and 78% for females. Following this, Indonesia had nearly the same percentage of employed men at roughly 84% but a much lower proportion of women at 65%. Although Belgium and Japan had similar proportions for males at just over three quarters, fewer Japanese women were able to find employment at the age of over 60.

In 2000, the 60-64-year-olds in all nations suffered from a drop in job opportunities. While three out of four countries namely the USA, Japan, Indonesia recorded similar decreases of around 10% for males, the figures for their counterparts fell by 33%, 9% and 15% respectively. Employees who were 60-64 in Belgium were the worst affected, with the proportions decreasing by 27% for males and 55% for females.

hình ảnh đề thi writing task 1 29-05-2021

The bar chart provided compares the proportions of male and female employees whose ages ranged from 60 to 64 in four different countries over 30 years.

Overall, more males were employed than females in the given age range. The year 2010 witnessed declines in the number of both men and women employed in all four countries, with Belgian and American females being the worst hit.

In 1970, America was the country that had the highest employment rate of citizens aged 60-64, approximately 86% for males and 78% for females. Following this, Indonesia had nearly the same percentage of employed men at roughly 84% but a much lower proportion of women at 65%. Although Belgium and Japan had similar proportions for males at just over three quarters, fewer Japanese women were able to find employment at the age of over 60.

In 2000, the 60-64-year-olds in all nations suffered from a drop in job opportunities. While three out of four countries namely the USA, Japan, Indonesia recorded similar decreases of around 10% for males, the figures for their counterparts fell by 33%, 9% and 15% respectively. Employees who were 60-64 in Belgium were the worst affected, with the proportions decreasing by 27% for males and 55% for females.

Nhằm phục vụ tốt nhất cho việc luyện thi của các bạn học viên, HA CENTRE sẽ chữa đề IELTS writing task 1 ngày 29/05/2021 mới nhất và update hàng tuần. Rất mong bài viết này sẽ có ích với tất cả mọi người đang ôn luyện IELTS! Nếu bạn còn thắc mắc hoặc có nhu cầu học IELTS, hãy liên hệ ngay với HA Centre theo số điện thoại MR. HA: 0963 07 2486, HOTLINE 1: 032 796 3868, HOTLINE 2: 032 976 3868 để được giải đáp nhanh nhất nhé!

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