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Từ vựng chủ đề Crime and Punishment phổ biến

Trong IELTS Writing task 2 thì chủ đề Crime and Punishment là chủ đề khá thường gặp, hầu như năm nào cũng có ít nhất một đề thuộc chủ đề này. Dưới đây là tổng hợp các từ vựng chủ đề Crime and Punishment, mời mọi người cùng theo dõi!

1/ Từ vựng chủ đề Crime

Từ vựng chủ đề Crime

Từ vựng chủ đề Crime

  • to commit a crime = to commit an offence = break the law: thực hiện hành vi phạm tội
  • to reoffend = to commit crimes again: tái phạm
  • criminals = offenders = lawbreakers = people who commit crimes: kẻ phạm tội
  • to engage in criminal activities = to take part in unlawful acts: tham gia vào các hoạt động phạm pháp
  • minor crimes such as shoplifting or pickpocketing: các tội nhẹ như ăn trộm vặt tại các cửa hàng hay móc túi
  • serious crimes such as robbery or murder: các tội nặng như cướp hay giết người
  • to receive capital punishment = to receive the death penalty: nhận án tử hình
  • to receive prison sentences = to be sent to prison: nhận án tù/ bị bỏ tù
  • life imprisonment: tù chung thân
  • to impose stricter/more severe punishments on…: áp đặt những hình phạt nặng nề hơn lên…
  • to provide education and vocational training: cung cấp giáo dục và đào tạo nghề
  • to commit crimes as a way of making a living: phạm tội như 1 cách để kiếm sống
  • to be released from prison: được thả/ ra tù
  • rehabilitation programmes: những chương trình cải tạo
  • to pose a serious threat to society: gây ra mối đe dọa nghiêm trọng cho xã hội
  • to act/serve as a deterrent: đóng vai trò như 1 sự cảnh báo/ngăn chặn
  • security cameras and home surveillance equipment: thiết bị giám sát tại nhà và camera an ninh
  • crime prevention programmes: những chương trình phòng chống tội phạm
  • juvenile crimes = youth crimes = crimes among young adults: tội phạm vị thành niên/ ở giới trẻ
  • innocent people: những người vô tội
  • to be wrongly convicted and executed: bị kết tội và xử oan
  • to create a violent culture: tạo ra 1 nền văn hóa bạo lực
  • potential criminals: những người có khả năng cao trở thành tội phạm
  • a sense of safety and security: một cảm giác an toàn và an ninh
Word list Definition Examples
criminal activity (n) hành vi phạm tội The book examines the causes of criminal behaviour.
commit (v) phạm tội Women commit fewer crimes than men.
offender (n) người phạm tội The book examines the causes of criminal activities.
punishment (n) hình phạt A 1994 law increased punishments for overloaded trucks.
penalty (n) hình phạt The maximum penalty for the offence is two years’ imprisonment.
juvenile delinquency (n) phạm pháp vị thành niên He introduced topical story lines about television, juvenile delinquency, graft, organized crime, and other developments in American life during the 1950s.
juvenile delinquent (n) người phạm pháp ở tuổi vị thành niên A juvenile delinquent in the United States is a person who is typically below 18
heinous (adj) tày trời, rất nặng a heinous crime
imprison (v) bỏ tù The government imprisoned all opposition leaders.
deterrent (n) sự răn đe The small fines for this type of crime do not act as much of a deterrent.
reintegrate (v) tái hòa nhập “it can be difficult for an offender to be reintegrated into the community”
condone (v) tiếp tay, dung túng The school does not condone bullying of any kind.
exert (v) Tạo ra (ảnh hưởng, áp lực) A well-funded national organization would be able to exert more influence in Parliament.

2/ Ví dụ topic crime and punishment

Ví dụ topic crime and punishment

Ví dụ topic crime and punishment

Sample 1:

Crime is a problem all over the world and there is nothing that can be done to prevent it. Agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Crime is one of the major issues that all the countries have been facing recently. Some people believe that there is nothing that can be done to prevent crime. I completely disagree with this opinion and feel that crime rate can be controlled with appropriate measures.

On one side of the argument, there are some people who believe that crime cannot be regulated. According to them, criminals prevail all over the world and they try to commit various illegal activities. No matter how many prevention measures are taken by the individuals and the government, several people make their daily living through activities like robbery, theft, murder, hate crimes, and others.

On the other hand, there are people who argue that crime can be prevented. The government needs to frame strict rules to control crime. Also, there should be fear of punishment. For example, the crime in the US is just 2% whereas in Somalia it is 50% and the main reason is strict rules in the US. Apart from the government, individuals can contribute to preventing crime through strict family values and monitoring their children on a daily basis. Thus it cannot go without saying that crime cannot be prevented.

After having discussed the pertinent points related to the issue, I feel that the only logical conclusion is that crime can be prevented through appropriate action by the government and individuals.

Sample 2:

“Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?”

It is true that some criminals commit crimes again after they have been punished. While there are several reasons for this alarming trend, some effective measures can be taken by governments to tackle this problem.

There are two main reasons for re-offenders. Firstly, the prison system can make the situation worse. Criminals put together in prison and they make friends with other offenders. While they are locked up in prison, they do not have much to do there, and they would exchange information about what they have done before they came to the prison or they may plan crimes with other inmates. Secondly, offenders often do not have any other means of earning money. They are poor, uneducated and lacking skills needed to maintain a job. Also, a criminal record makes finding a job difficult as people usually avoid hiring people with criminal background.

To solve this problem, governments should focus on rehabilitation of criminals rather than punishment. Above all, prisons need vocational training which allows inmates to prepare for life outside the prison. They can learn practical skills such as computer programming, car maintenance and graphic design. In this way, they can be hired for a position that requires this certain knowledge and skills. Community service is another way to reform offenders. Rather than being locked up in prison with other inmates, offenders can help society and become useful to their local community, and these activities would eliminate the negative influence that prisons can have.

In conclusion, it is true that recidivism is one of the problems for our community; it can be solved by focusing on rehabilitation rather than punishment itself.

Trên đây là những chia sẻ về bộ từ vựng IELTS chủ đề phạm tội (Crime and Punishment) từ HA Centre. Rất mong bài viết này sẽ có ích với tất cả mọi người đang ôn luyện IELTS. Từ đó bạn có nhiều ý tưởng, cách học từ vựng IELTS phù hợp khi gặp chủ đề khó. Nếu bạn còn thắc mắc hoặc có nhu cầu học IELTS, hãy liên hệ ngay với HA Centre qua FORM bên dưới hoặc LINK TƯ VẤN miễn phí hoặc số điện thoại: Mr. Hà: 0963 07 2486 – HOTLINE 1: 032 796 3868 – HOTLINE 2: 032 976 3868 để được tư vấn kỹ hơn nhé!

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